
Offering healing opportunities in South Carolina

I offer private healing sessions that help clear old patterns and support body, mind and spirit to heal.  The practices include my work as a Tepahtiani or traditional healer in the Nahua tradition of Mexico, and Plant Spirit Medicine, along with mindfulness, meditation and stress management approaches.

I have been involved in healing and teaching stress management, movement and meditation for over 45 years, both in Australia and the US.  I have worked for major hospitals in the US in wellness & cardiac rehabilitation programs, teaching stress management & facilitating support groups for healing.  I am an initiated Granicera and Tephatiani healer in the Nahua tradition, a Firekeeper for Sacred Fire, and a Notary Public of SC.

I currently have a healing practice in Florence, SC.


Thought I should let you know what a wonderful  experience your energy work was for me. It made me feel so much more  alive, truly a healing and youthfulness I haven’t experienced in a long  time.  Thank you.

A wonderful experience

— Harriet, North Carolina

Thank you for giving me a treatment yesterday. I feel so wonderful. It’s a real turn around. I am truly grateful to you for the work you have done to develop your abilities as a healer, for your connection to divine, and for your willingness to encourage me.

I feel so wonderful

— L, South Carolina

It’s impossible to put into words how much your class has meat to me. It has become the centering point of my week, a time from which I emerge far more integrated and centered than ever I do from anything else I attend. You have been a wise, calm and patient guide. I thank you for the gifts you have shared

I emerge far more integrated and centered than ever

— Linda, North Carolina

I found incredible healing in your group work, and delighted in your very presence

Incredible healing

— Marilyn, California

Just want to tell you what a privilege it’s been to be in your class. You’re a wonderful teacher and a real inspiration. I truly feel this has been a very positive influence in my life….

A wonderful teacher and a real inspiration

— Joan, North Carolina

Your powerful example of loving kindness and acceptance will always be with me, will always guide me and my life is enriched because of it.

Loving kindness and acceptance

— Susan, North Carolina

In the one-year wake of my son’s death and my husband’s illness, I felt stuck in a place of quiet and despairing sadness, with difficulty making decisions and depleted energy, The results from your treatment have been astonishing! In two weeks time I’ve found my voice, and have watched everything in my world turn upside down, with pleasing outcomes. My energies are no longer stuck. From powers greater than me, I felt directed as to decision making, and to my dismay the “how to’s” are falling into place. Thank you.

Results from your treatment have been astonishing!

— MJ, South Carolina